Another outing.

 Yarn shows are a great way for small yarn businesses to show their stuff to a new audience that much is for certain. These events are also a great networking opportunity and a chance for like-minded people to link up.

Ewe & Ply recently had an outing to Thirsk for this year's British Wool Show, where we met up with some very interesting people indeed...

First up we met Penelope Hemmingway, also known as The Knitting Genealogist and half of The Luddites Living History. Teri spotted her from a distance because Penelope had brought along her walking wheel. Anyone who has spent any time at all in our shop will know that historical textiles are a huge interest of ours, with Teri specialising in textiles from the Iron Age to the 1600's, and Becca taking up the mantle from then on. Pen is very interesting to talk to and has a great wealth of historical knitting knowledge, do check out her blog post at Pen also runs Portuguese style knitting workshops, which I would really like to try, and if there is enough interest in Shropshire for such a thing we might just be able to get her over to us to run one at our shop - let us know if you'd like that.

We also met the ladies behind The Battle of Stamford Bridge Tapestry Project. This marvellous piece of work commemorates the victory of the Saxons over the Vikings on September 25th 1066, and is a true rival to the Bayeux Tapestry. There were a number of pieces of the tapestry on display at BWS, and they really are fabulous. Check the project out further here -

Next up, Natasha at Sheep on Mars. We buy in hand dyed locks for our spinners, weavers and felters from Natasha, and its always good to have a catch-up with our suppliers. You can see more of Natasha's work in her etsy shop here-

Our stall was next door to the very lovely Michelle of the equally Loveliest Yarn Company. Michelle was great company over the weekend, and her stall was as gorgeous as her business name would indicate. You can see more of her stuff at


We spent time chatting with the ladies behind, and, and with Victoria at Eden Cottage Yarns (but more of that later), and all in all had a thoroughly good time.

Our next planned outing will be our very own event - Wonderful Wool Day on Sunday 8th October, right here in sunny Oswestry, but we'll let you know if anything else crops up.




  • Sorry, Becca, those were smiley emoji, not question marks….

    Heather Cawte
  • Thanks for the mention, Becca ???

    Heather Cawte

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